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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hello! I am a primary teacher with broad experience in schools and academies. Currently, I am working in Spain as the tutor of a group os 25 students. I finish my contract on December and move to Zurich in January. I can teach you...

Hi! My name's Marisa and I'm a 21 years old Spanish girl. I'm a Primary School teacher (special needs) and I have 4 years experience giving lessons to children. I have never given them to adults, but I could really help about learning Sp...

Vivo en Suiza y mi lengua maternal es el Francés. Pero como soy de nacionalidad española, no tengo ningún problema para hablar Español. En Suiza apprendi Aleman y Inglés. Termine mis estudios con un 5/6 nivel B1 en Alemán y un 5/6 nivel ...

Erfahrene Französischlehrerin für alle Unterrichtsstufen, Prüfungsexpertin für LAP, BMS, Matura und DELF-DALF, A-Level, ich unterrichte Kinder, Lehrlinge und Erwachsene in Gruppen und gebe auf individuelle Bedürfnisse angepassten Privatu...

I teach: Children of all ages, whether native speakers or young learners of English as a foreign language. Experienced in techniques and proven strategies to get children communicating in English, your child will have an enjoyable and...

Hola! I am Beatriz, I am 25 years old and I am an architect from Madrid, Spain. During my university years I have combined my studies with being a teacher of private lessons. I have more than two years experience as a tutor of differ...

Hello! My name is Veronica and I am from Madrid (Spain). I am a Primary Teacher that is willing to work as a Spanish teacher. I love teaching, it is my passions but, unfortunately, as I don’t have any German yet, I can’t work in a school...

Mi nombre es Henar Álvarez Maestre y tengo 20 años, me he mudado recientemente a Zürich y hablo cuatro idiomas: castellano (lengua materna), catalán (lengua materna), gallego(lengua materna) e inglés (B2), imparto clases de estos tres pr...

Mi chiamo Silvia, sono italiana e da poco tempo abito a Zurigo. Dopo la laurea magistrale in letteratura greca e latina (conseguita con lode all'università di Torino), ho iniziato a lavorare come insegnante nelle scuole medie e superio...

Sono un'insegnante di italiano per stranieri da 20 anni. Ho lavorato sempre in questo settore e a Roma lavoravo per le agenzie delle Nazioni Unite con molto successo confermato dalle numerose lettere di referenza. Mi sono trasferita a Zu...

Hi! I'm a law-student in Zurich and I'm looking for lessons to give. I'm from Lausanne so my native langage is French. I learnt Italian and English at school and perfect it by watching movies/ speaking with friends etc. I learnt Germa...

Soy David apesar de que soy Español mi primer idioma era el Ruso puesto que mi madre es Rusa y padre Espaniol. Mi mejor habilidad es la pronunciación y enseñar a las personas que quieren emprender el maravilloso camino del aprendizaje...

En tant qu'enseignante, je suis passionnée par le partage des connaissances et le développement des élèves. J'ai une solide formation académique et une expérience pratique dans l'enseignement. Je crée un environnement d'apprentissage sti...

Ejemplo: Estoy cursando A.1.3 de aleman. Tengo disponibilidad todas las tardes de lunes a viernes para cuidar niños (a partir de las 15:00). También estoy disponible los fines de semana. Puedo recogerles del colegio, llevarles al parque ...

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Delphine, j'ai 30 ans et j'habite Zürich. Je suis valaisanne et ma langue maternelle est le français. Je suis instrumentiste au bloc opératoire mais avant tout une jeune maman. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience...

I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Murcia (Spain), with an emphasis on food chemistry and marketing. I also have a Masters in Nutrition, Technology and Food Safety from Murcia Unive...

I am a native English speaker and have experience helping people of all ages with English speaking and writing. In addition, I have TEFL certification.

Hello, I'm Merial, a native New Yorker who recently moved to Zurich! I lived for several years in Edinburgh, Scotland, where I earned two Masters degrees in English Literature. I have taught English Second Language for several years,...

Hallo :) Ich bin Gianna, ich komme aus Italien und wohne in Zürich. Ich habe 2 Jahre lang Deutsch in der Italienischen Schule unterrichtet. Ich habe einen Bachelor-Abschluss und einen Master-Abschluss im Sprachbereich und war zweimal in ...

Hi, I'm Katerine, Social worker with a master's degree in Brazil. I have experience in education. I speak Portuguese, Spanish, a little English and I am learning German If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ciao a tutti :) I am Dayana, 28 years old and I would love to help who wants to learn more about Italian culture and its language! I lived 17 years in Italy and I did all the necessary studies over there. I love italian food, culture ...

Iam an Italian girl living in Zurich, I was already teaching English and I was also working in a bilingual kindergarten English- German. I can of course teach Italian! See u soon :)

Sono una ragazza spagnola di 23 anni, appena arrivata in Svizzera. Sono un pedagogo con esperienza come educatore sociale e sono stato anche un insegnante di sostegno accademico. Sono una persona felice, attiva, con molta pazienza.

Hello, my name is Michela and I am a law student. In my life studying and playing tennis are my favourite activities! Italian is my mother tongue while english is my second language, I have been speaking english with my mom since I was l...

Sono Leonarda di origine Venezuelana . Sono laureato in lingue ( francese- italiano) . Imparare una lingua nuova è un processo che richiede molta pazienza ed interesse per una nuova cultura. Sarò molto contento di aiutarvi in questa e...

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