Hanna, Putzen (Libingen)
Dear families, I am a very honest, hard working woman. Please do not hesitate to contact me, I would be very happy to help you with different tasks. Have a beautiful day. Warm regards, Hanna.
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Dear families, I am a very honest, hard working woman. Please do not hesitate to contact me, I would be very happy to help you with different tasks. Have a beautiful day. Warm regards, Hanna.
1-2-3 die Putzfee kommt vorbei:-) Umzug oder Haushaltshilfe, Sie dürfen sich gerne bei mir melden. Die Reinigung führe ich schon seit mehreren Jahren in der Selbstständigkeit. Auch jegliche Hilfe ist in Absprache mit mir g...
Salve A volte la vita frenetica non ci da il tempo di sistemare tutto quello che ci circonda una volta tornati a casa Eppure tutti i giorni sta sotto i nostri occhi e non riusciamö a buttare questa spazzatura lavare quei vetri opachi ...
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