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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hi! My name is Valentina, I’m 22 years old and I live in Entlebuch. I’m sorry!! I don’t speak German I am still learning at the Benedict Schule in Luzern. I can take care of your pet whenever you need, I have experiences with dogs and...

I've been raised since a baby with animals around me. Specially dogs, I've always had dogs. So I understand a lot about dogs and their behavior and always feel really comfortable around them. I know what they need (in case any special ne...

Hallo ich heisse Tamara bin 24 Jahre alt. Wir haben 2 Hunde, 1 Chihuahua 12 Jahre und 1 Labrador 18 Monate und 1 Ratte ca. 6 Monate. Wir haben eine 3, 5 Zimmer Wohnung und einen Garten.

Entlebuch, principales villes :

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Garde d’animaux Entlebuch