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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

En confiance

Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hallo Guten Tag :) Ich bin Carla, eine junge Frau aus Spanien aber in Deutschland geboren. Ich bin in einem Landhotel aufgewachsen, wo ich für die Rezeption, das Kochen Tiere, Garden und die Reinigung zuständig war. Dank dieser Erfahru...

Hola! me llamo Carolina, tengo una beba. ( Lunes a viernes trabajo con ella, sabado por la mañana y domingo completo puedo trabajar sin ella) Tengo flexibilidad horaria. No especifique el precio por horas para poder charlarlo. Muchas g...

J'aime la commande et la propreté, donc je suis idéal pour: nettoyer une maison ou des bureaux. Je lave les vitres, les miroirs, enlève la poussière des meubles, nettoie les salles de bains. Je lave la vaisselle. 2 années d'expérience.

I already know you are wondering... 61 years ... male? I am not the typical Italian male tied to the mother! Since I left my parent’s house, I have always done everything by myself and I have continued: washing, ironing, cooking, hou...

Ich bin Lisa, eine 19 Jährige, topmotivierte junge Frau, die sich gerne nützlich macht. Erfahrungen habe ich bis jetzt bei mir zu Hause sammeln können. Da ich gerade die Matura absolviert habe und mir bis zum Studienbeginn im September e...

My name is Karen, a young positive minded Tanzanian who moved to Zurich for an Erasmus exchange program. My native language is Swahili and official language is English. I also have basic level polish language knowledge and A2 Spanish lan...

Hi, My name is Jose. I'm living in the Kreis 6 . I can help you to do any job at home, also in your garden or go with you to help in the supermarket or to change your staff for your new home. I have experience doing jobs at home, also i...

Hallo! Ich heisse Monika. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt. Ich lebe seit Jahr 2018 in der Schweiz. Ich spreche fliessend deutsch, ungarisch und ich verstehe Englisch. Meine Dienste biete ich in Zürich (Seebach, Oerlikon, Glattbrugg, Opfikon, Wallis...

Bonjour Je cherche à effectuer des aides à la personne et/ou de ménage à Zürich. Je suis très disponible et très motivée, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. ps: Je parle français, anglais et un peu allemand.

Mi chiamo Ana lucia .Parlo portuguese, italiano e un po' di tedesco. Vivo a Zurigo da un medio tedesco sono in regola e posiedo il permesso B. Ho lavorato in italia per famiglie private prendendo cura di persone anziane , facendo la sp...

I am Ilaria, i have 25 years, I studied in Italy at an artistic high school and then i made a 3 years course of restoration of frescoes and stone material. During these years i always made some little work and after the restoration cours...

Hi my name is Vincent/Vinny I'm 32 English is my mother language Currently learning German and french. I'm easy to communicate with and happy to be there for you It's my joy to be a help or a means of support to a family in need...

Salve!!! Mi chiamo Giulia ho 24 anni e da ormai tre anni svolgo il lavoro di collaboratrice domestica, sono ben disposta ad effettuare ogni compito che mi viene richiesto.Ho lavorato a Firenze come donna delle pulizie, babysitter, dogsit...

Hallo ich heisse Christina und bin 15 Jahre alt. Ich würde gerne beim Kochen, Gärtnern, Putzen und Einkaufen helfen, ausserdem bin ich jung und kräftig und kann ebenfalls schwere Sachen tragen, falls dies nötig wäre. Ich koche gut und...

Ich heiße Natascha, bin Österreicherin und lebe in Zürich. Bin aufgewachsen auf dem Land mit einem behinderten Bruder und meinen Eltern. Wir hatten ein Haus mit Grundstück, großem Garten, viele Apfel- Birnen und Zwetgschenbäumen und sehr...

Salve a tutti! Mi chiamo Gladis e sono alla ricerca di un'occupazione in Svizzera. Ho esperienza pluriennale nel campo dell'igiene domestica e sono flessibile a spostamenti e lavorare nei week end. Precisa, puntuale e seria nel lavoro...

Buonasera a tutti cerco lavoro come donna delle pulizie...ho già lavorato privatamente con una signora due anni poi in una ditta e fino a pochi mesi fa in degli uffici sono molto puntuale precisa pulita e ordinata grazie per l’attenzione

Guten Tag sehr geehrte Damen/Herren, Wir sind ein super Team aus 2 Personen. Wir erledigen alle Aufgaben reibungslos, die uns gegeben sind. Wir erledigen Haushaltaufgaben wie z.B. Kochen, Putzen, Garten Aufgaben, Bügeln, waschen , ...

Hi dear i am antonietta 27 years old, i am a sociable and respectfully person, with love for clean and tidy.i have 5 years of experience as cleaner, in Italy, England and Australia, as office cleaner and luxury apartment.i speak Italian ...

ragazzo tutto fare o fatto il capo cantiere x 25 anni di duro lavoro ma anche qualche soddisfazzione, per questo mio lavoro mi a portato ad imparare tutto , da 10 anni vivo da solo e quindi o dovuto imparare tutto cucinare, lavare i vest...

Always maintaining a willingness to help and assist those who need it, a positive attitude and a lot of energy to achieve each task. Während die Bereitschaft, die Aufrechterhaltung den Bedürftigen zu helfen und zu unterstützen, eine p...

My name is Margarita. I was born in Spain and I studied biology and I am a shiatsu therapist. I am working as an Aupair doing a lot of things in the house from september 2014 until juny 2015. I can sew, cook very well, repair things,...

I am Anaelle Brenet, I am a young women dynamique, having various years of experience in gardening and various cleaning works. I am able to adapt myself in new situation and particular needs of the customers from cleanings, gardening, ...

Salve.sono un uomo di 44 anni e sposato e abbiamo tre bambini e sono fare tutte le cose che cercate e se c’è qualcosa nuova la imparo subito .in italia non c’è più il lavoro e cerco un lavoro in Svizzera .al inizio posso appoggiare da i ...

Hi, I am new in Zurich and would love to help you out with maintaining your house or appartment to be fresh & clean. If you need any more information about me, please dont hesitate to contact me. Wishing you all the best,...

I am a young student who has recently graduated from University and who is searching for a job in Zürich. Since I have not found the perfect job, I am looking for activities which could help me acquiring professional and life experience.

Bezirk Zürich, principales villes :

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Jardinier Bezirk Zürich

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