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Services proposés :
Visite à domicile, Promenade

Jennifer, promeneur chien - 1240 Genève

Les plus de Jennifer


My empathy and concern for the welfare and humane treatment of all non-human animals has been a constant in my life since my childhood. I began working on a volunteer basis at the animal refuge of Lichterman Nature Center at the age of 12, and then became a regular and devoted volunteer for the Memphis Humane Society at the age of 16. There, I cleaned the housing units for both dogs and cats, and provided the resident (homeless) dogs with individual attention and exercise. Later, I joined the Nashville Pet Rescue and provided homeless/neglected/abused dogs with a temporary (or foster) home while seeking stable and loving adoptive familes. I have advocated or the welfare of non-human animals through my volunteer work with the ASPCA and have participated actively in the movement to end the exploitation of elephants, tigers, etc for the purpose of entertainment. I bond with and relate to animals easily and naturally, and I love interacting with and caring for dogs and cats. I will always provide the highest standard of care for your pet.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Visite à domicile
Expérience J'ai déjà beaucoup d'expérience
Animaux gardés Chien, Chat
Langues parlées Anglais (langue maternelle)
Français (débutant)


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42 ans
Jennifer, promeneur chien - 1240 Genève


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Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires
avant l'école
le matin
le midi
l'après midi
après l'école
en soirée
la nuit


12.00 CHF
par jour
Prix demandé
Explication :

Though I have elected to set my rate of compensation at 12 Swiss francs per day, my fee to care for your dog(s) and/or cats is certainly open to disscussion and negotiation, and will be variable depending on the length of my commmute to and from your residence and the type and intensity of care required by your pet(s). My fee is also reflective of the quality of care I will provide for any and every pet in my charge. I have a profound and abiding belief in the welfare of animals, and my love and respect for each animal as a species and as an individual will be actively expressed through my care for and interaction with your pet. Having worked with and for animal welfare for much of my life, and having also been a devoted pet owner for the same length of time, I will go above and beyond to provide for yours pet(s) in your absence, maintaining their daily routine and rituals, and giving them the attention, interaction, and care that should be given to every pet as a matter of course.