Anzeige geändert am 24 November 2018 um 06:31
My name is María Jesús but everyone calls me Maje. I'm 22 years old. I’m from Asturias, in the North part of Spain, but I lived in Madrid this last 4 years for study and work at the TV. Now, I'm in Borex as an Au Pair and I want to continue working here. I didn’t live with my parents since four years so I have no problem with the housework like clean, cook, laundry, etc. I’m responsible and careful. I have a medium-high level of english and a basic knowledge of french. Merci beaucoup!
Send me a message if you're interested!
Geforderter Preis | 10,00 € pro Stunde |
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Geforderter Preis | 10,00 € pro Stunde |